
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Primitive Place Magazine Giveaway

A Primitive Place magazine is hosting a wonderful giveaway of this beautiful stitchery by Jenny Lynn.
Isn't it just the Pimitivest wonderful sampler. I would love to have this hanging on my wall and I am clearing  a spot for it just in case I am the lucky winner. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
A primitive Place Magazine is the most enjoyable magazine to browse though while drinking a cup of tea or a nice cold glass of fresh lemonade. Yum.
So many awesome ideas come from this magazine. Yes, I love it.
Who wouldn't love to have this wonderful sampler hanging on their wall. 
Be sure to go and enter to have a chance to win this wonderful stitchery.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Well, its Done !

It's all done and I love it. My blanket stitch can use some improvement but for the first one I think it cam out fine. I am content with it.

Well, its almost done. I just have the top laying on the penny tongues and I still need to stitch it all down including the backing on the main piece but I LIKE IT don't you? I think its going to be great. Can't wait to start my next project so I best get busy and get this one done. heheh I do think though that I maybe should have stitched in a lighter colored thread aroung the larger penny so it showed up better. Oh well, next time.