Linda, my dearest friend, just went through a major big time in her life as she She was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer last year and now after two surgeries and several months of chemo she is finally starting to get her life back in order.
As the name of the Afghan says, Home is where the Heart is and her heart is still beating and a survivor of that ugly C word, and it is so good to see her regain her strength and emotional stability again. She is able to get out and work in the garden and even took a cruise ship to Alaska with her daughter in May. I thank God everyday for giving me back my dearest friend.
I love you Linda, my dear Friend.
These Photos were taken at Christmas this past year when her and her daughter Michele came and surprised me with a huge box of beautiful Christmas ornaments for my poor artificial tree that I was so up set about. Let me show you how it all unfolded.
I decided last year that I wasn't going to cut down another tree just to satisfy my desire for the smell and beauty of a freshly cut pine in the home. So I decided to order an artificial tree from a major catalog store. I won't mention the name as I wouldn't want to discredit finger hut for false advertising. heheh
I opened this box that arrived and looked inside and I was so totally devastated at what I was looking at. OMG, this was the ugliest tree that I ever saw, real or fake. I resealed the box and took it back to the post office. They preceded to tell me that it would cost more then the tree it self cost me to ship it back. WHAT ! ! !
Now I was really upset. So I put it back in the car and went home and stewed about my stupidity with this sad looking artificial tree.
Oh well, It was my mistake and I had to live with it. I took it out of the box and set it up and I still wasn't happy with it. I kept thinking that when I put my ornaments on it all will be well.
Low and behold at about 6:00 pm there was a knock at the door and there stood Linda and Michele, her daughter, loaded down with beautiful ornaments for my sad looking tree. I have never had a Christmas tree decorating party but I had just taken a Quiche out of the oven so we sat down and ate and then decorated this very sad looking tree. This is the final outcome of that tree. Isn't it beautiful? Almost as beautiful as the ones that decorated it.
A little Christmas in June.
Her daughter Michele and our little girl Phoebe. Always has to be the center of attention, that is Phoebe, of course.
Our beautiful tree looks so very happy now. I was brought to tears at their generosity at such a difficult time in their lives.
And so now, that artificial tree will always hold precious memories to me and every year that I decorate it, I will be reminded of the love that was shared that Christmas season
And so, Giving this Afghan to Linda is my way of saying that she will always be warm from the love in my heart and my home